Friday, September 1, 2017


Walk Of Fame (2017)    These days, watching independent films is something akin to playing a slot can pull the handle a hundred times before the machine spits out a few coins to keep you interested enough to keep playing......(we won't even get into the chances of hitting a jackpot (meaning a worthy, excellent film).....then you're talkin' Powerball Lottery odds...)

           Watching this particular atrocity requires a new analogy.......this was like pulling the slot machine handle and have the machine disgorge a river of excrement all over you......

            "Walk Of Fame" unfolds as a truly perfect storm......a group of obnoxious bad actors playing.....a group of obnoxious bad actors.  In this nightmare scenario, it's impossible to tell who's more revolting......the actors or the characters they're playing......or the the poisonous dialogue and non-existent direction they're given....

             In the midst of this hellish sludge, likable rising star Scott Eastwood plays a slacker customer-service phone rep who joins an acting class simply to get near a cute blonde he met on the street after she was assaulted by a costumed groper....(it's in L.A., folks, couldn't you guess?)

            The acting school, fronted by two preening hambones (Malcolm McDowell, Chris Kattan), hosts a collection of pathetic stereotypes that writer-director Jesse Thomas cruelly uses to make cheap, nasty and thoroughly unfunny jokes at their expense.

             This so-called filmmaker Thomas is an inhuman bully and so devoid of talent, if he never made a film again, it would be a great gift to modern cinema. What a jerk this guy is.....

              Eastwood wanders through this trainwreck in a mostly reactive role......until Thomas's toxic script suddenly forces him into an out-of-character scene where he unleashes the same hurtful, foul behavior that the other characters have been using on each other.   Ugh. Yuk.

              We can't go on.....other than to say you can't scrape any lower at the bottom of the Independent film barrel than this one. ....

               Zero stars. (0).......enough said.


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