Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Baby Orange rescinds DACA......Ooops, excuse us, we just pulled a Baby Orange....and typed out a lie......Baby Orange, our fearless Commander-In-Chief, in charge of all our armed forces, could not scrape together half an ounce of courage to announce the revoking of DACA himself.........leaving the task to his AG and currently disrobed Klansman, Southern-Fried Snidely if the majority of the country didn't already know what a sniveling coward we have for a President.....

Baby Orange promises to 'revisit' the issue of DACA...... Memo to all Dreamers:  Do not hold your collective breaths waiting for this to happen........remember, you're dealing with an individual with the attention span of a fruit fly.......he can't remember what he said two minutes ago, let alone six months later.......and he's spent a lifetime denying what he said two minutes ago.......

Baby Orange boasts "What a crowd! What a turnout!" in Texas......If he thinks those crowds were something........wait till he sees the celebration crowds around the country and the world when he leaves office.........

Rush Limbaugh thinks hurricanes are a liberal climate-change hoax.....he's right, you know. We confess.....the BQ personally sneaked down to Puerto Rico in a rowboat and pointed a 24.99 WalMart battery powered fan skyward......yes, we started Hurricane Irma........and only Rush himself generates more destructive wind than Irma.....

And finally.....a simple math equation......In terms of value to the population of the United single Dreamer equals.......way more than 1,000 Baby Oranges......

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