Friday, September 22, 2017


Don't Close Your Eyes by Holly Seddon (2017)   Our close personal friend, Leo Tolstoy graciously gave us his permission to borrow his immortal "Anna Karenina" phrase for this post........if Leo only knew how much his quote inspires thriller novelists who detail the woes of psychotically damaged families......he'd crawl out of his grave and start charging them hefty inspiration fees......

            This one blends two Brit families, the Marshalls and the Grangers into a swirling maelstrom of dysfunction that could fuel at least ten years worth of daytime soap opera episodes......

            The two young Marshall sisters, twins Sarah and Robin emerge from the emotional wreckage (too impossibly convoluted to discuss us, it's a trainwreck) as broken adults. These twins are far from identical, opposites in both physicality and temperament......

            Robin, a fiery, diminutive rock guitarist, has secluded herself, a terrified hermit who dabbles in "Rear Window" voyeurism of her neighbors while cringing at the persistent, scary attempts of some unknown individual to get into her house......

            Her sister Sarah desperately seeks her out, having been banished from her own home by her husband and denied access to her beloved Violet, her four year old daughter.....

             Author Seddon takes her time in alternating the plot developments between the two sisters, taking them through their fractured, upended childhood and adolescence, finally arriving at a traumatic reunion in which any number of long held family secrets crawl out of the woodwork.......but not quite all of them......

            It may seem that the book has brought a measure of closure before the last few chapters......but then Seddon detonates her BIG TWIST.......and we'll tip our hat to this particular Big's a genuine, pull-the-rug-out-from-under-you'll tear through the final pages so fast, you may burn your fingers.....

            Not a fast paced read by any means......but for thriller fans, the payoffs are terrific and deeply satisfying.   "Don't Close Your Eyes" kept the BQ's eyes wide open.......4 stars (****)..................
.....and Leo, baby, thanks for letting us paraphrase the quote for this post.....let's do lunch.....

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