Friday, July 7, 2017


The Silent Corner by Dean Koontz (2017)    Let's face it......Stephen King and Dean Koontz are the McDonald's and Burger King of novelists.....and we're no different than millions of others who gobble up their hardcover Big Macs and Whoppers as soon as they hit the stands.....

           "The Silent Corner" ranks as as top-the-line Koontz, a thriller that may have you turning the pages so fast, the resulting breeze could ruffle your hair and air condition your house....

             Koontz masterfully takes a well worn thriller template - the FBI agent forced to go rogue to battle an in-house government/corporate conspiracy - and welds it to a witty homage to the classic Richard Condon chiller "The Manchurian Candidate".  (In fact, Koontz's updated re-invention of all the 'Manchurian' brainwash tropes proves far more clever and current than the misbegotten 2004 film remake with Denzel Washington....)

              In FBI agent Jane Hawk, Koontz creates an irresistible heroine......resourceful, courageous, lethal when required and relentless in her search to uncover the mystery of her husband's so-called 'suicide'. (Our favorite passage involved her comparing herself to the super-posse that pursues Paul Newman and Robert Redford in "Butch Cassidy And the Sundance Kid", prompting them to ask, "Who are those guys?"  In this book, Jane Hawk is all those guys.....a drop dead gorgeous avenging angel who's more than capable of causing bad buys to drop dread themselves....)

              The overwhelming,  sinister forces arrayed against Jane are everything you'd want in thriller adversaries.......wealthy, powerful, well-connected, brilliant, creepy,  and bottomless in their capacity for evil and destruction of innocent victims......the kind of people whose overdue comeuppance by Jane will make you stand up and cheer.

               We'll stop gushing now......before we're tempted to start talking about all the plot twists, turns and suspenseful sequences, which you should discover and savor on your own. The BQ says to lose yourself in this one immediately........a perfect summer cooler (or any other time of the year).....5 action packed stars (*****),a FIND OF FINDS......we despise the dead of winter, but the promised January 2018 arrival of Jane Hawk's continued adventures should warm things up for us considerably.......

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