Saturday, July 1, 2017


We hadn't planned on doing another one of these today, but Baby Orange, the ongoing disgrace to the United States, the world and humanity in general.....just won't stop.......

Baby Orange rants the two MSNBC hosts.......what a multi-tasker.....the Leader Of The Free World and controller of the nuclear arsenal still  has time to send out elementary-school level insults at journalists.....

The National Enquirer as Baby Orange's weapon of choice.......yes, Jared Kushner called us last night.....threatened us that if we didn't stop these posts, the Enquirer would publish its "The BQ Keeps Bigfoot's Babies Chained In The Basement!" expose......we appreciated his taking time out from his tasks as diplomatic envoy to the Planet At Large, but told him they could go ahead and print it.....we'll do anything to generate more internet traffic......

Baby Orange's "Distinguished" election fraud committee wants to know all about us.....demanding states turn over voter info, including Social Security know, so they can uncover those millions of Mexicans and Muslims who snuck into the country on election day, handed the popular vote to Hilary, then stealthily crept back into their secret bunkers and assorted hidey-holes.......said 24 states said, "No thanks, we've already read "1984"......

Jason Chaffetz....the spineless worm who at first claimed he could never support Baby Orange and face his daughter after the "pussy grabbing" comments, then voted for.....guess who. Now at Fox News.....boy, did he find a home.

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