Monday, July 3, 2017


And the bleat goes on......

Baby Orange "beats up" CNN   We don't see the point in raging against this little video as infantile, immature and unbecoming from someone who's supposedly (and that's a bigly, bigly supposedly) the President Of The United States.......of course it's all those things. Who do you think posted it?    More importantly, that tiny twitter from its tiny-handed,  tiny-minded originator, is, in its own perfect way, a superb evocation of his character.......he looks far more at home in front of the WWE wrestling ring than he ever does in the Oval Office.......nothing mirrors the shallow pools of his heart and mind better than professional him, it's nasty, stupid and inherently fake.....a ongoing phony melodrama for the entertainment of mouth breathers......

The Marie Antoinette "Let Them Watch 'Beach Party" Award......hands down goes to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie,  happily sunbathing on one of the beaches closed to taxpayers as part of a government shutdown......we understand his motives completely........if other people were allowed on the beach and spotted Christie, they might inadvertently call the Coast Guard with a beached whale report.......

Baby Orange To Meet Putin.....  Putin:  You know, meeting you're quite a tall, handsome fellow with a remarkable head of hair.....Baby Orange:  (drops to the ground on all fours, begins humping Putin's leg...)    Putin: Get up, Donald...get up. This is no way for a Useful Idiot to behave....Trump: (rolling on his back, arms and legs waving..)  Putin: Very well....just one belly rub before I the way, why do you wear that red tie down to your crotch?

Baby Orange, in July, vows to fight the 'war on Christmas'.....has already amended the Travel Ban....Muslims who've watched any six Hallmark Christmas movies will be admitted into the U.S. upon successfully passing a pop quiz on the films.(Example: "How many days does Lacey Chabert have to find a tree to win the Christmas Tree Contest?" ).... in addition, .random Tomahawk missile strikes will hit any retail stores with generic "Happy Holidays" signs in their display windows......


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