Tuesday, July 25, 2017


              We haven't done too many posts on horror films.......doesn't seem necessary, since we awake each morning to a spectacular real life horrorshow.........the hijacking of an entire country by a dangerous lunatic........

                Baby Orange & The Boy Scouts......Silly pundits, making futile efforts to decipher the meaning of Baby Orange's random political rants to a yuuuuuge assembled crowd of kids.  Come on, fellas.....don't you get it?   It must have seemed like a dream come true for Baby Orange......gazing out into the crowd, he must have hallucinated that he was addressing his very own army of young brownshirts, just like his role model Adolph back in the day.   We're only surprised he didn't try to organize them into roving bands to break newspaper office windows and beat up reporters in the street......while wearing armbands with the Trump insignia - two golf clubs criss-crossed over a field of laundered Russian money......

                Jeff Sessions  Almost too priceless for words......this little racist, crackerbarrel weasel who couldn't wait to jump on the Trump train last year........and now enjoying life under the wheels of a bus. Oh, Jeffy....Jeffy.....you haven't watched enough James Bond movies, have you?  Don't you realize what happens to minions who fail?  Jeffy, just be thankful that Baby Orange didn't have Ivanka sneak up behind you and stab you with a poisoned knife concealed in her Made-In-China strappy high heel......

               "The Mooch"  Ba-da-bing....Ba-da-boom......no wonder "House Of Cards" now looks so mundane and ordinary......who could make up characters like this?  We have some bad breaking news for Moochie, though.......Moochie-Woochie, you may think Baby Orange's kidding about your calling him a 'political hack' is all in good-natured, let-bygones-be-bygones fun.....and you may think Baby Orange has forgotten about those unflattering tweets you raced to hit 'delete' on. Oh, poor Moochie......don't you realize, sooner or later, Baby Orange never, ever forgets a slight.....or forgives one.  Just ask the Great Beached Whale of New Jersey........or little Jeffy, who's frantically running around looking for his old KKK sheet to hide under.......It may take a while for your number to come up, Moochie, but trust us.....your appointment to join Jeffy under the bus is only a matter of time......and watch out for Ivanka's strappy heels......


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