Saturday, July 29, 2017


               We had a movie post lined up for today.....but watching Baby Orange's catastrophic week far eclipsed any fictional entertainment experience.......

                Baby Orange and Sessions    Starting to remind us of Gaston and his little buddy LaFou from "Beauty And Beast"

                Boy Scout Jamboree   Scout honchos apologize for exposing impressionable young Scouts to Baby for Child Abuse lawsuits piling for Baby Orange, he practiced good scouting.....rubbing Jeff Sessions and Reince Priebus together to see if he could start a fire.....

                 Transgender Ban  Baby Orange, who tirelessly spent his youth dodging both the Draft and Syphilis, worries about transgender medical costs......which would still be less than the psychiatrist bills for Baby Orange's much needed therapy.  Quick comparison......a fingernail scraping from any transgender serving in the military is worth more than a million Baby Oranges......

                  The Mooch   Only in a Baby Orange presidency could such a scuttling cockroach like this infect the White House......think of all the giants who walked those halls in the history of America.......we can hear them weeping, their heads bowed.....

                  Reince Priebus   The Deer In The Headlights finally made contact with the front bumper at last......If we never have to hear this walking, talking marshmellow start every sentence with "Look,...." ever again....oh joy unconfined.....

                  Rough Up The Usual Suspects.... Baby Orange, dreaming he's Dirty Harry, encourages cops to manhandle the perps......the police department tells him otherwise.  Well, maybe Baby Orange can get some Boy Scouts to beat the crap out of suspects and protesters at his rallies......

                  John McCain does Roger Ebert.... Two years after "I like people who weren't captured..", Baby Orange says hello to Karma.......and McCain's thumb......

                   North Korea  American, sleep tight.....if Kim lobs a Nuke at us.....we've got Baby Orange, Ivanka, Jared "In Charge Of The World" Kushner, Don Jr., Kellyanne Conway, The Mooch, Sarah "I Haven't Talked To The President" Huckabee Sanders and host of other worthies to protect and defend us in a crisis........pass the Opioids and duck and cover......  



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