Sunday, July 30, 2017


Modesty Blaise (1966)   This one falls into that peculiar specialized category.....Movies That Are More Fun To Think About Than Actually Watch.....

                1960's secret agent spoofs tended not to attract top-tier directors......but 'Modesty' came under the supervision of Hollywood blacklist exile turned European auteur Joseph Losey......and for his va-va-voom leading lady, along came none other than Antonioni's morose Princess, Monica Vitti.......

                 Sounds like an odd combination to make a tongue-in-cheek, spoofy Pop-Art spy caper......and it was.

                Nobody ever accused Losey of having a sense of humor...but he must have thought posing the actors in spiffy outfits against sun-drenched backdrops was funny enough. Supposedly directing an action-adventure, Losey studiously arranges his actors like they're in a still photo magazine cover instead of a movie....

                 A few minor pleasures pop up here and there......Dirk Bogarde camping it up as the patrician villain, sporting a blonde wig that looks like it came from a David Bowie Halloween shop costume.......Rossella Falk as Bogarde's insane lady assassin, who provides wish fulfillment for all of us when she strangles a mime with her thighs......Jack HIldyard's picture-postcard camerawork......Vitti's gorgeous legs, which she frequently dangles in front of the camera even when the rest of her's hidden behind a door.....

                But really, this film, as fun as it sounds, is a slow tortuous thing to get through......even when, in its most inspired gag, it has Vitti and her boytoy cohort, Terence Stamp breaking into faux-Broadway duets with other while in the middle of gunfights.  Losey's content to cast a distant, jaundiced eye on the film's little comic book world........deep down, you sense he's not that interested....

               A beautiful poster illustration, which you can lose yourself and imagine a far more entertaining movie than the real one.....1 & 1/2 stars (* 1/2)


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