Sunday, July 9, 2017


Before the BQ returns to our happier world of films, books and other entertaining stuff......

MEMO TO:  The World at large....

FROM:  The Beached Quill

           We humbly ask you to always remember, no matter how bad things get....

           Baby Orange is not us. We're not him....(Never the majority of us......that's what torments him the most.....which is why he formed his Election 'Integrity' seek out the non-existent millions who supposedly materialized to deny him the Popular vote.... Make no mistake, World....real people voted against him, real people, a majority,know him for what he is....

           Unlike Baby Orange, we know that Putin hacked us.......and we have no trouble saying this out loud because unlike Baby Orange, Putin doesn't have photos of us pissing on whores........and unlike Baby Orange, we don't embrace and celebrate bullies, thugs and murderers......we distrust and despise them.....

           We're every bit as worried as you about the climate......unlike Baby Orange, we do not live our lives in a self perpetuating cloud of narcissism and stupidity.....

           Baby Orange rode in to power on a wave of anger and anxiety among the a toxic, stinging jellyfish that rode in on a crashing wave.......He lucked into a windfall of cash gifted to him by his father to start a business career......and similarly, he lucked into a deeply flawed opponent gifted to him by the Democratic Party to start his political career....

           Unlike Baby Orange, we don't incestuously ogle our own daughters......or weirdly fantasize about blood pouring out of women who've have the temerity to offend us......

          As you do, we laugh hysterically at the thought of Mrs. Baby Orange adopting anti-cyber-bullying as her personal crusade.....

          And we're well aware that what we say 10 minutes from now doesn't automatically erase what we said 10 minutes ago,,,,,,,truth may be a foreign concept to Baby Orange, but millions of us still hold it dear....

          We could go on and on......but you get the idea. For millions of us here, Baby Orange does not represent America or our values in any way, shape or form. Never did.  He is an aberration.....and the only thing he represents with any accuracy:    the profound deficiency of himself as a human being, the smallness of his mind, heart and soul.

            Ultimately, we all pray that he shares Richard Nixon's fate.......that his countless flaws will finally undo him, that the never ending cascade of lies he tells will finally catch up with him......even among those red-baseball capped suckers he so brilliantly conned at his rallies......

             Just thought we'd let you know.......the America created 241 years ago still stands, even though currently afflicted with its most un-American of representatives.....

             Like a bad case of stomach flu, he'll dissipate and disappear one day.....a piece of crumpled trash blown by the same winds of change that blew him in......we'll still be here, still wanting to preserve the planet and stand against tyrants along side you......

             Sincerely Yours.....The Beached Quill.

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