Friday, June 28, 2024


 Biden goes down in flames in crucial debate with Trump.....America's nightmare becomes as real as it can Biden's words and thoughts deteriorate into gibberish, Trump unleashes his usual hurricane of lies, unopposed and unanswered by either Biden or debate moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. Nausea grips the nation as the only glimmer at the end of the tunnel might come from democrats convincing Biden to make way for a fresh new candidate......expect alcohol sales to to skyrocket through the rest of the year....

Trump's pet judge Aileen Cannon continues to slow down his stolen documents a recent rally, Trump muttered, "What a bargain this judge was.....all I had to do was make her a judge without without even grabbing her pussy, then having to pay her off.."

The Supreme Court, while still pondering whether Trump can kill his opponents and get away with it, guts the law that sent Trump's Jan. 6th terrorists to related news, if their sentences are reduced or thrown out, Justice Alioto and his wife invited the convicted Trumpanzees to an outdoor barbecue where the U.S. Constitution will be flown upside down, Justice Thomas and his wife also invited them to a free ride around the block in their donor gifted recreational vehicle. Brett Kavanaugh sent them all personally autographed Budweiser six packs.....

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