Friday, June 7, 2024



Marjorie Taylor Greene and other GOP Trumpanzees once again rage at Dr. Fauci.....Greene immediately introduced a bill to pay Jewish NASA officials to aim their Space Lasers at Fauci's office...

GOP Trumpanzees vow revenge on Biden for conspiring to convict Trump in his hush money trial.......and also warn they'll look into evidence linking Biden to the Baltimore bridge collapse, tornados across the Midwest, COVID, cicadas, and the disappointing final episode of "Game Of Thrones".....

Political pundits wonder and worry about what it would look like to actually have a convicted felon as preparation for such a circumstance, Trump had iron bars installed on all Mar-A-Lago windows in case he's under house arrest and will order the Army Corp of Engineers dig an underground delivery chute linking the resort to the nearest McDonald's. 

Trump denies ever leading his rally mobs to chant 'Lock her up!' about Hilary Clinton, which leads news outlets to immediately disprove his claim by showing numerous clips of him doing just that......causing Trump to warn cable news networks that his first executive order will seize all clips of him promising a revised health care plan, infrastructure and getting Mexico to pay for his wall....

Steven Bannon ordered to report to prison to serve his Contempt of Congress sentence......Federal prison guards demand high powered hoses so they can forcibly clean up Bannon, but only from a safe distance.......

Saliva drool is noticed coming out of Trump's mouth during one of his speeches.......CDC doctors issue a recommendation that all spectators within 50 feet of Trump wear Hazmat suits.......

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