Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 Six Of Sorrow by Amanda Linsmeier (2024

(Beloved BQ visitors, you've probably noticed by now that when it comes to book reviews, we rely on the wisdom and wit of our co-blogger, The Sandy Quill. Like BQ, Sandy's eclectic tastes run across any and all genres - from psychological horror to geo-political action adventures to....well, even the sappiest, sweetest romances and Young Adult angst. So here's SQ's take on a hot-off-the-presses hair raiser about 6 small town teen girls stalked and haunted by......well, we'll now leave it to Sandy to tell you whether it's worth a read...)

     Definitely one of those books where you want to put off doing other stuff so you can keep reading to see what happens next. It's a nicely witch-crafted (so to speak) chill-you-to-the-bone brew of bubbling toil, trouble and growing dread.

     I loved the setting of Sorrow, a little island-town parked off the Louisiana coast across from New Orleans. Supposedly named after a legendary witch, the town's supernatural elements rise up to bedevil six teen girls, all born on the same day. Why them? And why now? And what or who is the source of all this scary torment afflicting these girls? Now you know why this book's guaranteed to keep you glued to it till you find out.

     Through childhood Isabeau and her five friends, Reuel, Georgia, August, Cori and Sloane were inseparable. But starting after their tweens, something split them apart, with only Isabeau and Reuel remaining BFFs. But then Reuel's mysterious three day disappearance rocks the community and serves to re-bond the girls' sisterhood. Though she's found safe and sound, Reuel's health and physical appearance alarmingly deteriorate - as if her life force is being drained out of her to make something (or someone else) stronger.

     And it's clear to the girls that one by one, they're in the cross hairs of some terrible vengeful entity......and it's up to them to find out what's after them and save their own lives. Are they cursed? And what's the how, why and who of it?

     Those questions and their answers kept me pinned to the pages all the way through. Filled with moments of unease, suspense and nightmarish dreams, I can't think of a better way to add real chills to your summer reading. I can also imagine 'Six of Sorrow' as a top Halloween season read and would make a surefire mini-series to rival "Pretty Little Liart....4 stars (****). If you're summer reading list is booked solid, keep this one in mind for those chilly Fall nights...


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