Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 Margo's Got Money Troubles by Rufi Thorpe (2024)

     The best way to fully enjoy this young woman's journey through the perils and pitfalls of adulthood is avoid reading any detailed plot descriptions. Get comfortable, settle in and let author Rufi Thorpe guide you through the sometimes hilarious, sometimes heart aching calamities of 20 year old Margo MIllet - ex junior 'college student, ex lover of her married college professor, and now harried, exhausted and unemployed mom of the resulting baby boy.

     Margo, a good soul possessed of an inventive, creative mind, chose to have her prof's child against everyone's practical advice. Though she loves her baby fiercely, she's faced with the daunting task of caring for her son and figuring out how in the world she'll make a living to feed, clothe and shelter them both. Money troubles indeed.

      And here's where I don't want to elaborate on the most unlikely avenue Margo takes to assure herself financial success and stability, taking her on a bumpy and at times laugh out loud path to discovery of her own abilities, her sense of self-worth......and even love.

      Helping and/or hindering her along the way are her gambling-addicted, disapproving mother, her wayward retired pro-wrestler dad, her up-for-anything roommate Suzie and a couple of oddball internet personalities. You find yourself cheering on Margo as she navigates countless bumps-in-the-road thrown at her while attending to breast feeding, sleep deprivation, full diapers..... not to mention figuring out who and what she wants to be in life.

     And though I've read more than a few books this year that took aim at the entitlement and arrogance of the male patriarchy, none of them accomplished this task with as much sharp wit, cleverness and sheer bravado as Rufi Thorpe's Margo. One of the best fun reads of the year and a more than worthy addition to any To Be Read list....

     5 stars (*****)


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