Monday, June 10, 2024


 Hit Man (2023)    In the surprise hit rom-com 'Anyone But You', Glen Powell came across as an amiable side of beef, primed (we supposed) to become the next Chris Pratt, or the next Ryan Reynolds...or the next (fill in your own personal choice....)

          This disarming comedy-thriller, masterfully directed with dry wit by Richard Linklater, does Powell an even bigger favor. It makes him a genuine, charismatic movie star. 

          As an ebullient Philosophy professor and part-time surveillance techie for the New Orleans Police, Powell puts on a dazzling, bravura one-man show as a bland geek who seizes the day when offered the opportunity to live dangerously. 

           And does he ever. 

            When scuzzy rogue undercover cop Jasper (Austin Amelio) draws a 120 day suspension for brutality, Gary Johnson (Powell) steps in to replace him. His mission?  Pose as a professional hitman to entice and entrap people who slip him cash to bump off someone they want dead.....a family member, business rival, or other assorted people who've pissed them off. 

              If you believe this movie, inspired by the real Gary Johnson, there's no shortage of folks in New Orleans lookin' to off somebody.......and business is good for Gary, who discovers he excels at adopting multiple Hit Guy personas, each one tailored to his soon-to-be-jailed 'clients'.

            But Gary's all too human and he's entranced by broken and abused Madison (Adria Arjona) who's about to pay him to give her violent psycho husband (Evan Holtzman) a dirt nap. Confounding his cop team, Gary talks her out of it and furthermore starts a reckless, romantic relationship with her, still his his guise as hitman 'Ron'.

               Wild 'n twisty repercussions follow for Gary with the return of the ever hateful, obnoxious Jasper. He not only despises Gary for usurping his job,  he stumbles upon the canoodling between Gary and Madison. Not long after, douchbag Ray's found shot to death, making Madison the No 1 suspect and Jasper licking his lips as Gary's tasked with entrapping her into a confession.

               Clever and funny twists abound, and as the storyline continues to corkscrew, a host of convoluted troubles for Gary and Madison pile up.

                BQ's old enough to remember when well crafted modest little movies like this used to be Hollywood's stock and trade and not just a surprise outlier popping up in a sea of streaming junk.

               We strongly advice all our beloved visitors to this site target 'Hit Man' for immediate viewing.  As top notch entertainment, this one literally kills......4 stars (*****).

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