Friday, May 17, 2024


Supreme Court Justice Alioto flew an upside-down American flag after Biden was elected and now gets to weigSh in on Trump's Jan. 6th immunity claims.......Alioto reportedly whispered to Clarence Thomas, "So what's so bad if we make him a King? What the hell, he already thinks he is anyway, so why not?"

Trump's former attorney,"fixer" Michael Cohen testifies against him for the prosecution......Cohen was once famous for saying he would 'take a bullet for Mr. Trump'....while Cohen was on the stand, a napping Trump was heard mumbling in his sleep,....."Michael, you really mean it? Meet me on 5th Avenue...make sure it's broad daylight..."

Bootlicking Trumpanzees hoping Trump will pick them for Vice President show up at this trial in a show of support....forcing the judge to warn Trump that he cannot hold Talent and Swimsuit competitions for potential V.P. nominees outside the courtroom...

In addition to Vice President hopefuls, a full compliment of GOP clown car MAGA-morons also shows up at theTrump trial courtroom...the judge denies Matt Gaetz's request to bring some of his favorite teenage cheerleaders to perform, while Lauren Boebert hummed music from the "Beetlejuice" musical while groping Mike Johnson's crotch....
RFK Jr. produces a note from his doctor declaring that his brain eating worm still left him with just enough brain cells to qualify him for the upcoming Presidential debates.....said Kennedy at a press conference, after wiping off some drool,  "Me still got smarts, me wants to talk like other peoples...but no one allowed to stick me with ouchy-needle vaccines...they might make me dum-dum..."

Trump accepts Biden's challenge to debate twice, with no audiences and microphone cut-offs for candidates who exceed their allotted time.....Biden refuses several of Trump's debate demands, such as a Big Mac eating contest, a longest farts competition and a two-falls-out-of-three jello wrestling match.......
A June date is set for the first CNN hosted Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.....a nationwide poll was taken asking a cross-section of Americans if they'd be watching the debate.....10% of those polled said they'd watch, 10% said they'd be binging "Kardashians" episodes, 80% said they'd rather have hot needles driven through their eyeballs than watch the debate....

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