Wednesday, May 15, 2024


 It Came From Connemara (2014)  And here's yet another fascinating, at times funny documentary about the incredible filmmaking exploits of the late, legendary Roger Corman. 

         Mark this one down as a great companion piece (and perfect double feature) to the more fully biographical "Corman's World" which BQ covered a few days ago. 

         This one hour film stakes out a little known episode in Corman's career overlooked in 'Corman's World' the tireless producer-director found a whole new undiscovered territory in which to pump out his quickie exploitation movies.......Ireland. 

           Corman well remembered how little it cost zip out "The Young Racers" there in 1963,,,,as well as handing fledgling novice Francis Ford Coppola enough raw film stock to make his little 'Psycho' knockoff 'Dementia 13'......

            Though what little Irish production facilities were available in and around Dublin, Corman thought to set up his studio further away to the country's scenic western region of Connemara......and staff it solely, like his American operations, with hungry, ambitious would-be filmmakers and crews, all of whom had little or no experience in making a movie. 

           And to the exasperation of the Dublin film community, the Corman-ized Irish studio swung into action, grinding out more cinematic pulp fiction, often written and directed by first-timers and crewed with local residents who only spoke Gaelic.

           As in 'Corman's World', interviews with participants and film clips make up the 60 minute running time.......and of course the clips comprise a riotous parade of boobs, blood, car chases and explosions....the basic food groups of all Corman productions. 

             Some familiar faces wandered into Corman's Irish offshoot - you'll spot James Brolin, Corbin Berson and Corman's own resident Bruce Lee, Don 'The Dragon' Wilson.  And their anecdotes are pretty much the same as those of Bruce Dern, Peter Bognonavich, Jack Nicholson and Martin Scorcese.......lessons learned at the unique Corman 'film school'.....which meant being thrown into the deep end whether you know what the hell you're doing or not.....then learn enough and you'll never have to work for Corman again. 

          Consider this one another absolute must for all Corman-philes.....and come to think of it, anyone who ever dreamed of making a movie. You won't know whether to cringe, cry, or just laugh out loud....

          .....maybe all three. 4 stars (****)


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