Tuesday, May 7, 2024


  The Ballad Of Darcy And Russell by Morgan Matson (2024)

      Now here's a love-at-first-sight book that after a third of the way through, surprised me by swerving into what looked like an entirely different direction. But before long, I was thoroughly entertained and impressed by author Morgan Matson's ambitious way of using this plot turn to amplify the young lovers' deepest issues......and somehow bring things to one of those 'all-the-feels' conclusions a reader hoped for.

       And I loved how the book takes its lead girl's dreams of living movie rom-com tropes and turns them inside out and backwards., taking her on much more convoluted, unexpected journey to her HEA than she ever imagined.

      Days away from her college freshman year, Darcy's trip home from a Nevada music festival has gone awry due to a broken down bus. She's stuck overnight at a tiny Nevada town's bus terminal with little money and no phone charger. But things take a sudden turn when she strikes up a friendship turned insta-romance with Russell Henrion, who was also returning from the same festival. As they wander through the town, it doesn't take long for rom-com repartee to turn into heart-pumping kisses.

       Even as head-over-heels as they are with each other, they're both holding on to some deep family secrets, all of which come crashing into view, which takes their story careening into a whole new set of circumstances.........none of which I'd ever dream of detailing here.

      Sometimes humorous, sometimes swoony, but all the time heartfelt, it's impossible not to root for Darcy and Russell as they navigate their romance, their problems and that young adult quest to figure out who they are and what they want.

      A familiar journey, sure. But for this reader, anyway, it's a story I never tire of.......especially when it's handled as well as Morgan Matson does here. (And anyone on the verge of their pre-college summer should shove this one to the very top of their 'fun books to read before I'm swamped in textbooks' list'.      
       5 stars (*****).

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