Tuesday, May 7, 2024


  The Return Of Ellie Black by Emiko Jean (2024)

     Fully agree with other reviewers that wow' is the operative word for this book.

     The kind of thriller that delivers everything you want and expect in a breathless page-turner.......and then gives you even more.

      The evil at work here is overwhelmingly vile, cruel and terrifying - the serial abductions and murders of young girls. The baffling, horrific case falls to Washington State detective Cheney Calhoun. She's already haunted and tormented by death of her younger sister. Her sibling's body was never found but judged a murder victim of her boy-next-door boyfriend before he committed suicide.

      This makes Cheney driven and determined to unlock the dark memories and secrets of Ellie Black, who's come back as a survivor of her abduction several years earlier. Exhausted, emotionally drained and suffering severe PTSD, Ellie's incapable of cooperating with Cheney who senses there's far more to the girl's terrible ordeal than anyone can yet perceive.....and she's right.

     Be forewarned that the interspersed chapters of Ellie narrating her captivity are harrowing and heartbreaking, which makes Cheney's relentless hunt for whoever's responsible all the more urgent. And when those final chapters start racing to the conclusion, you'll abandon anything else that gets in the way of reading. The suspense and reveals are dialed up the max, along with one guaranteed eye-popping/mouth-wide-open twist.     

     So congratulations and lots of gratitude to author Emiko Jean for the very definition of a 5 star, up-all-night, couldn't-put-down read. (*****)  SQ says grab this one ASAP.

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