Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay (2024)

      As a thriller fan, there's nothing I love more than a multi-faceted story that unfolds using seemingly multiple disparate places and people. The kind of book that grips you immediately as you wonder out loud, "wait a sec......what do this these people and this place have anything to do with the other characters and locations?"

     The fun, of course, comes from the author drawing you deeper into the mysteries and surprising you with the skill of gradually putting all the puzzle pieces together......not to mention knocking your socks off with some huge twists.

     Alex Finlay does a truly masterful job of that here. In Leavenworth, Kansas, a feisty new deputy Sheriff tries to make sense of a once cold case turned hot - the disappearance of a young girl and her boyfriend's suspicious claim that they were pulled out of their car by an unseen abductor with some missing fingers. Ryan, the disbelieved and reviled boyfriend, is now a law student vacationing in Italy when he's contacted by.......possibly the abductor himself.

     Somehow, all of these threads lead back to Philadelphia, home of the much feared O'Leary family, an organized crime dynasty infamous for their murderous retribution against whoever they think wronged them. And this scary bunch is feeling seriously wronged.

This book more than delivered everything I hope for when I start a new thriller........a book that makes you put everything you're doing on hold so you can zip through the pages to see what happens, figure how everything fits together, and then makes you raise your eyebrows in surprise as the twists and reveals start to pile up.

     "If Something Happens To Me" checked all those boxes for me, which explains the 5 stars I'm giving it. (*****) Move this one up to the top of any TBR thriller list you're compiling.

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