Friday, May 3, 2024



Supreme Court dawdles as right wing justices struggle to find a way to grant Trump some immunity.......Justice Alioto was overheard muttering, "At the very least we should let him hold a scepter, wear a crown and dress up in one of those big long red at  robes at the, I mean, inauguration...."

Marjorie Taylor Greene can't seem to find enough support or votes to oust Speaker Of The House Mike Johnson.......but at the very least, she demands the GOP congress force Johnson to undergo a lobotomy to put him on an equal footing with her....

Kristi Noem's political career and V.P. chances evaporate as even MAGA Trumpanzees view her puppy-killing with disgust.....and didn't help her herself much when she mentioned 'Old Yeller' as one of her favorite feel-good movies....

Trump hit with fines for continuously violating gag orders.....and could not understand why his lawyers begged him not say, "Nice little jury they got on this ashamed if anything happened to them....or their kids...."

Hush money trial courtroom erupts in laughter at Michael Cohen's nickname for Trump, 'Donald Von Shitzinpants'.....meanwhile, while sleeping in court, it's revealed that he's also passing gas at the same a news conference outside the court, Trump angrily denied he ever soiled his pants, claiming the bulge in his XXXXXXL-sized Depends is strictly from urine only.....and also alerted... his MAGA supporters a new revised edition of his famous book will soon be available, 'The Fart Of The Steal'....with special signed copies for a $1000 campaign donation....

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