Friday, May 10, 2024



Colleges across the country brace for graduation ceremonies disrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters.....when asked about Jewish women hostages who raped to death by Hamas, protesters replied, ".....well who really knows what happened? Maybe those girls were dressed in skimpy clothes and just asking for it....."

Trump appointed judge Alileen Cannon postpones his stolen documents trial indefinitely......reportedly, Cannon paid particular attention to a newly revised copy of the Ten Commandments in a copy of the Bible sold by Trump...."thou shalt help thy President get away with it...."

Marjorie Taylor Greene booed by almost the entire congress as her attempt to oust Speaker Of The House Mike Johnson fails.....Greene was heard screaming at Johnson, "I'll get you, my little pretty! And I'll get your little dog too!"

RFK JR's family endorses Biden for  President....and also mentioned they'd been worried about a strange chewing sound coming from the back of Kennedy's head....from the inside.

RFK Jr. claims a worm got into his head and ate part of his brain....but also stated he felt proud when he told his doctors he would not ever take an anti-worm vaccines. In related news, Sen. Lindsay Graham, revealed that his worm left entire portions of his brain dribbling on to his bathroom floor.....Donald Trump assured Graham that the chunks of brain would go very well with some fava beans and a nice chianti.......

When Trump's lawyer accuses Stormy Daniels of trying profit from Trump's indictments, Daniels fires back, "...Just like President Trump".....which prompted Trump's lawyers to announce that their autographed Trump sneakers and bibles were in their  complimentary gift basket, and did not require them to pay......

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