Friday, July 1, 2022


          There's always 3 things that remain eternal......

           Death. Taxes. A week's worth of non-stop madness......

           With overwhelming regret, anger and sorrow, we present the following.......

           Trump didn't care if his fully armed Trumpanzees stormed the Capitol..."They won't hurt me"......."So what if they shoot or stab a few people?" the ex President continued, "As long as I'm in another room somewhere, the DOJ can't tie it me...."

            Trump hurls ketchup at the wall during a temper tantrum....  he later claimed, "It was in no way a tantrum. Melania wanted to try decorating the walls with modern art, so I thought I'd get her started......"

             Trump supposedly lunged at a Secret Service agent who didn't want to risk driving him to the insurrection.....tweeting on his Truth Social' platform, "What's the big deal, anyway?  I saw James Bond do it in at least 5 different movies." 

            Trump heard saying Mike Pence deserves the hanging the rioters planned for him.....later the President complained about his supporters,   "But these guys should've watched that Clint Eastwood movie, "Hang 'Em High"   They coulda built those gallows bigly, so they could hang multiple people all at the same know, put 'em all up there at once.....AOC, Pelosi. Pence, all the latenight talk show hosts,  Adam Schiff...and  Rosie 'O Donnell"

            Melania only answered 'No' when asked to send a tweet to stop the Jan 6 violence....reportedly sent a photo of the giant hanging "No" sign she uses when Trump's in the bedroom with her.....

             Marjorie Taylor Greene says it's time pull out of NATO and let Putin win the war against Ukraine....... Putin immediately sent Greene an autographed photo of himself shirtless, writing, "To my darling bubushka Margie, most Useful Idiot I've ever known....."

              Supreme Court limits the EPA's ability to regulate toxic, climate-killing gases spewed out by corporations......thereby insuring that all the new babies they're going to force women to have will need full time oxygen masks before they hit puberty....

               Ted Cruz again attacks 'Sesame Street' muppets for helping to promote COVID vaccinations......Cruz also claims the show's new Muppet, an imbecilic warthog named 'Ded Crude' was modeled after him.........

                 Former Trump minions who ended up rejected, fired, insulted and called "coffee boys" by Trump, form their own organization.....the new group, dubbed "It's Us Under The Bus" plan to rent out Madison Square Garden for their first meeting......

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