Monday, July 11, 2022


 The Record Keeper by Chartles Martin (2022)   If this level of excellence in novels keeps up, we may end up declaring 2022 as one of the best reading years we've ever's another one we couldn't wait to tell you about.

What a heart-stopping, heart-wrenching conclusion to this powerhouse trilogy of action-adventure dramas like no other series we've ever read.

          The mixture of genres in these books still stuns us.......a blend of the brutal, non-stop action you'd encounter in a Jack Reacher book combined with the emotion, humanity and beating warm heart of a Nicholas Sparks novel.

          All three of these novels, starting with "The Water Keeper" and "The Letter Keeper" present a timeless, virtually biblical clash between unfathomable evil and the fundamental human spirit of goodness.  And Charles Martin's presentation of both the very best and very worst of humanity is pure, raw, and unflinching in the depiction of horrific depravity and those who survive it......and the champions of those survivors.

           The champion we speak of here is Murphy Shepherd, survivor of his own backstory of heartbreak and brutality. He's a relentless rescuer of the victims of worldwide human trafficking and in his rescues, shows no mercy whatsoever to those who enslave, abuse and exploit innocent women and children.

           Unlike other series, we'd strongly recommend you start these books from the beginning with "The Water Keeper: in order to fully immerse yourself into the eye-popping revelations and final showdowns that unfold in "The Record Keeper". And after you've experienced the previous two books, you'll have come to know and deeply love the supporting characters now surrounding Murphy Shepherd in this conclusion of his epic crusades for the innocent.

             We don't know when We've ever come across a series that takes you on a such a jarring, back-and-forth voyage between adrenalin-pumping, violent action and the pathos of enduring love, faith, kindness and friendship.  Charles Martin set a very high bar here for any other author who'd attempt to duplicate the experience of this one-a-kind trilogy.    Depending on what part of the books you read, you could end up either raising your fist in triumph or crying your eyes out. Or maybe both.   

A five star (*****) 'must read ASAP' all the way a true BQ FIND OF FINDS.....and NOT to be missed.

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