Thursday, July 28, 2022


 The Outfit (2022)   Watching this film, we automatically thought it was derived from a of those single set mysteries that dazzle and confound audiences with a constant barrage of plot twists. (as in big Broadway-to-film successes like "Deathtrap", "Sleuth", "Dial M For Murder" and "Sleuth")

           But no it's not play-originated at all.  "The Outfit" arrives as a fresh, purely cinematic creation and it's anchored by a clever, subtle and perfectly calibrated performance by Mark Rylance.

           Rylance plays Leonard, a superbly skilled tailor ( or 'cutter', as declares himself with pride) He's  a quiet, shy middle aged former Londoner who plies his much in demand trade at his mid 1950's Chicago shop.. While Leonard crafts his customers'  made-to-order suits like works of art,   he's aided only by his receptionist-assistant Mabel (Zoey Deutch) a smart, tough girl from the neighborhood. 

           Also in the neighborhood and using Leonard's shop as a drop-off point for messages, cash and other illegal stuff - the local gangster family and their various gun-toting violent henchman. Leonard, self-effacing and gentle to a fault, can only humbly tolerate their threatening presence and continue his dedication to his work. 

             And here's the point where we tell you that's all you're gonna get from us. 

            To fully enjoy this film, we don't dare reveal anything further about the chain of events that propel  the story to burst into a one-after-the-other array of stunning twists, turns and 'oh-my-Gods' moments. 

              We can only promise you that your jaw will drop throughout the length of "The Outfit", right up to the very final moment.   And you may well lose track of the number of times you end up muttering, "wow, I didn't see that coming...."   

              Rylance is a wonder to behold as the surprises play out and he's given solid support by Deutch and the primary gangster guys played ably by Simon Russell Beale, Dylan O'Brian and Johnny Flynn. (This trio of hoods will amuse you while still scaring the hell out of you.)

              Intrigued yet? We hope so. Put this somewhere on top of your "must see" list before the summer's over. It took us totally by surprise and never let up on making us say "say what now?"  4 and 1/2 stars (****1/2.


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