Friday, April 17, 2020


ZZZZZ (The Outer Limits - Season 1, Ep. 18 (1964)   Even by the high, imaginative standards set by this wondrous sci-fi anthology series, this episode was especially off-the-charts bonkers.........

           The first shot tells it the country home of an entomologist (Phillip Abbott), a colony of bees turns their queen into a human-sized, smokin' hot, smokey-eyed fake woman (Joanna Frank)......arriving in the Doc's  garden already nicely clothed in a tight white dress........

             These are some goddamned smart bees we're talkin' about here........

              And don't give yourself a stroke trying to figure out how the bees pulled off this scientific miracle.......the teleplay writer, Meyer Dolinksy, probably didn't know either......

               Dolinsky does reveal what the Queenie and her hive are up to........nothing less than cross breeding herself with the good doctor himself.......and from there, presumably taking over the world with Bee People........

                We did warn you how bonkers this episode was, right?

                 Her Royal Buzzing Majesty poses as 'Regina' (heh, heh, heh), who's answered the Doc's ad for a lab assistant.........and this doesn't sit well with Mrs. Doc (Marsha Hunt) who suspects this slinky purring vamp is.....uh.....weirdly inhuman......

                 Her suspicions are more than confirmed when she spots Regina in the garden, transformed back into a big-ass bee so she can suck off some flower nectar as a light snack......

                  Stop laughing and remember the 'bonkers' warning we posted twice already........

                 As if this couldn't get crazier, Regina stays in touch with the hive via the Doc's bee-translator machine, which turns their busy buzzing into stiff mechanical English, much like alien visitors spoke in 1950's movies.......("Did we not make you perfect?")

                  This being "The Outer Limits", things go horribly awry for everyone concerned......Regina and her brood learn to mind their own buzz-ness.......and next time the bees try fashioning a facsimile of a girl, you can bet they'll aim higher than creating a semi-comatose Kardashian.......

                   Somewhere buried in this lunacy is the script's message about the eternal difference between human love and insect instinct.........okaaaay, if they say so.......sure.

                    As for BQ, we loved Joanna Frank's sultry Bee-autiful honey of a girl.......and now that we've exhausted every cheap, low bee gag.....4 stars (****).......(how 'bout a feature film remake.....
,,,,,"That Sting You Do" ?  



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