Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Color Out of Space (2020)    The good news:   Nicolas Cage is finally finding films that are every bit as crazy and over the top as the performances he gives in them........

                The bad news:  To find these particulars movies, you'll have to carefully separate them from the unending avalanche of direct-to-DVD Cage-o-paloozas.......

                  We doubt he's still pumping out this amount of movies to cover his IRS debt.......he probably loves replacing Samuel L. Jackson as the hardest working man in show biz.......

                  As in his gloriously whack-a-doodle "Mandy", Cage works with yet another director who matches him for sheer, fearless, batshit-crazy filmmaking......and even better, for this film, it's the long time out-of-work Richard Stanley, famously bounced off the ghastly '96 Brando-Kilmer dumpster fire, "The Island Of Dr. Moreau"......

                 And what a perfect project these two found, a modernization of H.P.Lovecraft's "The Colour Out Of Space", in which an alien meteor unleashes unholy mutated hell on unlucky earthlings in its vicinity.......

                   So let's get right to it........on the Nick Loony Scale of 1 to 10, this one's a 105 at least.

                  He's stuck out in the Middle Of Frickin' Nowhere, making an obvious monumental effort to contain his volcanic temper while presiding over a barely functioning family........the wife's a recovering cancer survivor, the teen girl's dabbling in witchcraft, the teen boy's lost in weed and the little can sense he's waiting around for victimhood.......

                    Madness and the Lovecraftian meteor come 'a callin' to the wobbly House Of Cage....(which for some reason, is lit up every night like a tourist attraction)........and Nick cranks up his rants 'n raves as the alien whatever lets loose with a neon Purple Reign of all sorts of monstrous stuff.......

                   In rapid succession, multi-eyed mutant bugs flitter about, and a variety of people, along with Cage's little herd of Alpacas, get transformed into slobbering, gooey, mewling, crawling

                    This one checked off all our boxes for a fun horror's beautifully shot, plenty of slimy carnage, almost nobody gets out alive........and as whipped cream on the cake, a generous dollop of Cage-o-riffic insanity.......what more could you ask for?

                    More of the same?  Supposedly, Cage and director Stanley will re-team again for a remake of Lovecraft's "The Dunwich Horror".......

                   We say, 'yes, please'. And happily spew up 3 & 1/2 stars for "Color Out Of Space"......a film and actor both out of their minds.......


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