Tuesday, April 7, 2020


BQ:   Cora, I hope you don't mind that from now on, we're doing these interviews from remote, separate locations.....

CORA:  Don't worry, Flesh-a-poid, you can't offend me. Was it something I said?

BQ:    No, something you are. We've been warned you're going to do your worst this week......

CORA:   Oh, you betcha!  And God bless his empty little orange heart, I couldn't do it without the help of your dear leader, Prez. Trumpty.

BQ:  Just a sec here.......are you accusing President Trump of helping you?

CORA:  Who else?!  For us viruses, he's a dream come true!  A complete numbskull who cares only about his ratings and his re-election.  I'll probably be able to kill off half a million of you before you ever see the Shithead-In-Chief behave like a real President.......

BQ:  You're making us feel even more anxious......

CORA:  Hey, don't worry......don't you have the President's Larva, Jared Kushner to save you all?

BQ:  Now we're getting really nauseous......and you're being sarcastic, right?

CORA:   Silly human, how can you say that?   Isn't the Slumlord Son-In-Law designated as the
Secretary Of Everything?  Didn't he bring peace to the Middle East?

BQ:    Uh.....no. He's just a wormy little weasel who happens to be married to Ivanka.....

CORA:   I know!   Why do you think I LOVE that he's in charge of things!   I so love you Americans....you made it so frickin' easy for me.......electing a brain-dead psycho for President......and you got his creepy, useless family as part of the deal.

BQ: Sucks for us, we suppose.......

CORA:  As your fearless leader would say......Bigly!

BQ:  So what's next for you, Cora?

CORA:   Never mind me, it's what's next for you that counts!   I'll give ya a hint......it ain't good.

BQ:   We're aware of that. We guess you've heard that Trump fired the Inspector General who'd oversee the 2 trillion dollar relief money......

CORA:   Heh, heh, heh, heh.........between you and me, I already know where that money's goin'....

BQ:   You do?

CORA:     A new heated pool at Mar-A-Lago........and the new Trump-Putin tower in Moscow.....the rest of it gets deposited in one of my offshore accounts.....

BQ:   You?!  Trump's sharing the cash with you?!

CORA:  We cut a deal, Baby Orange and I.....an even split as long as I promise to wipe out as mass quantities of California and New York Democratic voters....

BQ:   But what in the world can you do with trillions of dollars. You're a deadly rampaging virus, a plague on humanity.......

CORA: A pretty accurate description of your President too!  And what I do with that money is the same thing as Trumpty's tax returns.......none of your business.

BQ:  Well, thanks for stopping by. As always, an interview with you ends up depressing and disgusting.......

CORA:  You're welcome.   Tell you what,.....I'll reveal this much. The relief bucks you're so concerned about......I'm gonna buy a shitload of CD's and movies on Amazon.......and then I'm goin' to Vegas and Disneyland as soon as the crowds come back!

BQ:   What a comforting thought in these troubled times. Here's something else that's a sure bet for your future....

CORA:  What's that? My own reality show?  I can't wait to yell out, "You'r fired.....and dead!"

BQ:  No. A vaccine.

CORA:    Arrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh...............

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