Wednesday, April 1, 2020


BQ:     Cora, I'm sorry to report you're looking remarkably healthy......

CORA:   And I feel empowered, too!  Just infected a couple thousand more folks before I stopped in to talk to you.

BQ:    You don't mind I'm conducting this interview wearing a full protective quarantine suit?

CORA:   Oh, sweetheart, you look about as imposing as Dustin Hoffman in "Outbreak"......was it something I said?

BQ:   So, the President warned us that you'll really wreak some terrible damage these next few weeks......

CORA:   Oh, you mean the Orange Virus?   Heh, heh, heh.......sweet microbes, did you people ever do me a favor electing that moron.......he's made my life so much easier......

BQ:    And yet, his approval ratings went up......

CORA:   Don't ya just love his redhat retards!   He got them to forget all about him saying it was all a hoax a few weeks ago........I love, love those imbeciles......that's why it's so easy to infect them quicker than any normal sane people!

BQ:    It is?  Really?  How so?

CORA:   Keep this to yourself, okay?  Between you and's a breeze for me to sneak into somebody whose brain cells only work at about 10% capacity.......and those MAGA half-wits usually keep their mouths half open when somebody sneezes on them......bless their hearts.....

BQ:   Does Dr. Fauci know about this?

CORA:  He does, but he dare not open his mouth about it.......otherwise, he'd get the ax and 
Trumpty-Dumpty would be saying, "I hardly knew him.....he was a coffee boy...."

BQ:    But you do know the President is very proud of the high ratings for his press conferences.....

CORA:    I know! He's priceless! My fellow Covies and I sit around laughing our asses off at those TV travesties....(even if we're not sure exactly where our asses are)......We're droppin' people like flies and he's thrilled with his f***in' flesh-sacks must think you're livin' in the Twilight Zone.....

BQ:   True enough. The President seemed to say he'll be okay if you can hold your killing spree down to 200,00 Americans.......question remains, can we stop you at that number?

CORA: Heh, heh, heh, see what happens when you put a psycho in charge of your country? He sounds like George C. Scott in "Dr. Strangelove", talkin' about a winnable nuclear war..."I'm not sayin' we won't get our hair mussed!"

BQ:  So you think you can't be contained?

CORA:   Bee-Quoobie, my friend, as long you keep listening to President Numbnuts, I'm gonna hang around for Christmas........and make sure you jam into the churches just like he wants you to....

BQ:    I'm not your friend. And I'd appreciate you getting out of here so I can fumigate and disinfect the room. 

CORA:   Bring it in for a hug, baby.....

BQ:   Sorry. Social distancing.  But here, enjoy some Lysol spray.......

CORA:   Arrrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!

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