Monday, April 6, 2020


                      Sean Connery:  "Who are you?"
                      Honor Blackman:  "My name is Pussy Galore"
                      Sean Connery:     "I must be dreaming"

........remembering many years ago.....a teenage BQ sitting in a packed showing of "Goldfinger" in December of '64.......and hearing the audience roar with laughter at Connery's line........

                    RIP actress Honor Blackman, who passed at 94 of natural causes....(as opposed to you-know-what)......forever beloved as the first judo-chopping leather-clad heroine of TV's "The Avengers", who then went on to her immortal role as the toughest, sexiest and most outrageously named Bond Girl.......(and the year before, fans fondly remember her as a gorgeous, all-knowing goddess Hera of "Jason And The Argonauts"........

                       A lifetime of great performances........and James Bond found out quickly enough that both he and the audience were dreaming wide awake.....

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