Tuesday, April 14, 2020


               For now, there's no getting rid of her. Cora the Coronavirus once again skyped us......

BQ:     Cora, you look ridiculous in that MAGA hat.

CORA:  Suck it up, flesh-boy, he's MY President! Forever and always! 

BQ:   I can well understand that. He seems to be making things easier for you every time he stages one of those rallies.....er....sorry, I meant press conferences.   

CORA:  No, you got it right the first time.  How do I love this guy......let me count the ways! He's supposed to calm the nation, reassure you humans that he feels your pain and anxiety, take a firm hand to defeating me......

BQ:   Actually, he's doing none of those things......

CORA:  I know! I swear I could french kiss him till his lungs clog up just like his arteries......but hell no to that!  I want that dumb-as-a-rock son of a bitch alive and well.......so he can help me make sure that none of YOU are alive and well!

BQ:  That's one thing you and Trump have in common, Cora.......you both scare the living shit out of all rational, sane people.........

CORA:  Mission accomplished!  Did you catch that last so-called conference?  The one where he shows a campaign ad touting how wonderful he is?

BQ:   Sadly, yes.

CORA:  And he gets better every day. Like all that crap about how he thinks he's some kind of
mother******g King with Total Authority.

BQ:  Well....uh....he never read the constitution.......

CORA:  Flesh-head, when are you gonna realize......the only thing Orange Orang ever reads are the ingredients on the McDonald's ketchup packets.

BQ:  Maybe you can confirm a rumor. We've heard that you're the one behind that hashtag 'Fire Fauci' on Trump's tweets.......

CORA:  I'll neither confirm nor deny. But I won't lie to you.......I hate that little weasel Fauci.....he spoils all my fun!

BQ:   You mean because he's the only common sense, scientific truth-teller among that coterie of lapdogs who surround Trump?

CORA:   Hey, that's not bad. Maybe you should start a blog.......

BQ:  So, can you share any upcoming strategy with us?

CORA:  Oh sure thing. I'm waitin' on King Klown to use his Total Authority and re-open the country before everybody's tested.......then I can REALLY go to work on all you sorry suckers......

BQ:   Appreciate your insight, Cora. As always, any contact with you is disturbing and nauseating....

CORA:  Just like listening to Trumpty for 2 miserable hours, right?!  See ya, kiddo.
Make America Sick Again!


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