Wednesday, April 22, 2020


The World Of Kanako (2014)    Here's what you need to know, should you boldly take the plunge into Extreme Japanese Cinema.........Understand these basic fundementals......

             1. Life sucks. Big time. And you're going to die horribly. Or come pretty close.

             2. People divide up into either predators (murderers, rapists, sadists, sex traffickers,etc)......or their victims.  Nobody falls  in between these two categories...

               3. Morals are for wussies. If you feel like suddenly squishing someone with your car, raping any random girl you meet, or pounding some person's face into cherry jello.......go for it.

                 4. Wherever you go , whoever you meet, always make sure to leave a trail of broken, bleeding bodies behind you........even better if some of them are dead......

                 5. Did we mention the part about how life sucks, people are tripe and all of humanity deserves to die? We did?  Oh well, doesn't hurt to reiterate those key maxims.

                  Any questions?  Everyone comprehend the rules?   Cool.  Now  you're officially ready for the full-throttle gore and unhinged moral compass of "The World Of Kanako"

                   A burned-out, drunken, rage-fueled ex-cop gets a desperate call from his long estranged wife; their 18 year old daughter Kanako as gone missing. Does this cursing, booze soaked burnout with serious anger management issues decide to hunt down his little girl?

                    You bet your sushi he does, with a insane fervor that makes John Wayne's "The Searchers" character look like Elmo the muppet. And speaking of sushi, our boiling Det.Burnout plows through this investigation with random beatings, stabbings, shooting and rapes.......that last category even includes his distraught ex-wife.......

                    No more Mr. Nice Guy.......not that he ever was one to begin with. This is a guy who expressed his displeasure with his wife's infidelity by ramming his car broadside into the vehicle she and her lover were sitting in.  Ouchy. Don't piss him off.......

                    While this rampaging carnage-heavy search goes on, multiple flashbacks reveal that super cute Kanako is truly her father's daughter........a sociopathic, soulless Lolita manipulator who leaves her own body count of human wreckage behind her.......suicides, murders and raped teeny-boppers.

                   We'd to have seen these two on Father's Day.......

                    You did remember the First Fundamental of Japan-a-Madness Cinema, right?  The part about 'life sucks and everyone dies horrible? 

                     Then none of what transpires here should surprise you in the least........and if you flinch in the least at the 2 hours worth of arterial blood spurts, crushed bones, ravaged innocent women and the overall tidal wave of stumbled into the wrong movie........

                      It's useless to accuse this movie of overkill........overkill is the whole point. And to be blunt, if you've sat through enough  Japan-a-Madness movies (including the knock-offs like the 'Kill Bill' might actually find yourself laughing out loud at the non-stop excess that energizes the entirety of 'Kanako'.......

                      They've gotta be kidding, no? 

            , "The World Of Kanako" struck us as serious as a heart attack........the only affliction that nobody dies of in this movie.....nobody gets the chance to.

                       So if bona fide cult, outlaw filmmaking is your favorite cup 'o poison.......buckle up and dive in. Don't say we didn't warn you. 3 stars (***)

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