Friday, April 24, 2020


BQ:   Cora, so not nice to have you back........what's that piece of paper stuck on one of your tendrils?

CORA:  Congratulate me! It's my doctorate in medicine from Trump University.......

BQ:    You do realize that whole university thing was a scam........

CORA:  I know, but it looks so nice and official, like the prizes the Wizard of Oz handed out to the Scarecrow, Tin Man and the Lion........

BQ:   And what would you know about medicine. You're just a lethal virus.

CORA;   Ha!  Says you.  Believe it or not, Dr. Trump himself revealed the secrets to defeating me!  To show you what a an all-around loving germ I am, I'm willing to share that with your followers.

BQ:     We assume you mean stuff like shining ultra-violet light into our guts and injecting ourselves with Lysol disinfectant?

CORA:  Damn!  You mean he told you already?

BQ:   Cora, anybody with even 3 functioning brain cells knows that's a load of horseshit.

CORA : I know that.....and you know that. But all the  red hat Trumpanzees are probably chug-a-lugging Lysol as we speak!  And sprayin' Scrubbing Bubbles on their jello as a desert topping!  That's why I LOVE me some Dr. Trump! He's the gift that keeps on giving!

BQ:   In other words, he's saving you the trouble of infecting people by killing them for you.

CORA:   They don't call him a stable genius for nothin'!

BQ:  Actually, Cora, he's the only one who calls himself a stable genius.....

CORA:   And look what else he's doing for me!  Encouraging  his armies of  imbeciles to demonstrate for their right to jump back into crowds so I can wipe 'em out!

BQ:   Maybe we should thank him for that.....

CORA:  You're damn right you should thank him for......hey, hold on. Why would you thank him?

BQ:   If you get a shot at all those Trumpanzees who can't wait to get outside, you'll do the civilized, sane world a favor by decreasing the number of Trump voters in 2020........

CORA:    Wow, I never thought of that. You think I should tell him?

BQ:  Won't do any good.  He'll accuse you of fake news.

CORA:   Well, no matter. I'm already past 50,000 on the body count and still goin' strong. I never dreamed my best friend in this pandemic would be a psychotic moron who's supposed to calm the country and stop me. Heh, heh, heh, life's funny, huh?

BQ:   We'll wrap it up at this point. We've got some Lysol spray right here.....

CORA:  Oh goody!  You gonna spray it down your throat like Dr. Trump recommended?  Can I watch, please?

BQ:  Feel free to watch. We thought we'd spray it on you instead.......

CORA:   Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhh!  What a world, what a world........


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