Saturday, March 3, 2018


Zombies (2018)   Naturally, the star-crossed circumstances that led us to this Disney Channel musical came from a request by the BD (Beloved Daughter) to sit down and watch it with her.

               As we've mentioned in other posts, we consider most Disney Channel fare suitable for use as punishment tools inflicted on incarcerated terrorists at Guantanamo Bay......

                But like most fathers since the dawn of time, BD has the BQ wrapped around her little with grim determination, we steeled ourselves, screwed our courage to the sticking place.......yada, yada, yada......

                Well,we do love musicals.......and the sight of platoons of rubber-limbed dancers contorting themselves into near-collapse always commands our attention.  And this movie, bless its exhausting little heart, contains a dance sequence every 7 or 8 minutes......

                 But here's what struck us.........maybe the people who slapped this together didn't mean it intentionally, but they created a perfect storm of a musical for the toxic divisiveness of the Trumpian age,,,,,.

                The film's Disney-fied mythology, outlined in comic book type illustration, sets up a deeply divided society of mostly lily-white humans and "the other"........zombies ostracized and segregated into their own shithole slum dwellings, roundly hated, villified and shunned.

                Hmmmm.........what's this remind us of? 

                Feel free to write in your own for us, the only thing missing here is a President threatening to build a wall around the zombies.....

                 Keep in mind, however, that these are Disney zombies we're talking about........they're only a tad green, but the guys are hunks, the girls are cute and they all wear special watches that somehow prevent them from going full brain-chompin' George Romero on anybody......or turning into Mexican rapists......

                You could optimistically choose to believe that the movie's climactic dance number - humans 'n zombies gettin' down as one big brotherly group  - is a more than subliminal pitch for diversity by the Disney executives.  That burst of energy as the white and green kids come together does look like Trump's worst nightmare......

                 But more likely it's due to the carved-in-stone Mouse House commandment that Thou Shalt Always Have A Happy Ending......good news for these teen DACA zombies.....undead Dreamers.....

                  Whatever the reason, it still made us smile......intentional or not, a refreshing rebuke to the Trumpian worldview that has us all at each other's throats.

                 And that, plus those peppy dance numbers, gets these Zombies 3 green 'n white stars (***)



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