Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Pitch Perfect 3 (2017)..........watching this astoundingly abysmal 3rd entry in the 'Pitch Perfect' series gave us a light twinge of nostalgia.......

             If nothing else, this huge steaming turd of a movie reminded us of how studios used to make sequels to their hit films back in the l940's and 1950's.......

             Back then, there was no thought of pouring more amounts of money into a make it bigger and better than the original.....

             Sequels were strictly fast-buck operations........make 'em quick, make 'em cheap, slap 'em together with just enough elements that brought in the ticketbuyers the first time around......and grab the cash before word-of-mouth catches up.......

             A far cry from sequels today........where the budget balloons enough to feed a third world country, the CGI platoons triple in size and the running time inches ever closer to 3 hours.

             So we were honestly stunned at "Pitch Perfect 3", whose blatant awfulness and complete contempt for its audience is a direct throwback to the sequel-making of those bygone eras......

             Once again, we're talking about a movie not really made by writers or a director.......what we have here is a take-the-money-and-run-scam dreamed up at the accounting department of Universal Studios.....

              Think of this movie as the equivalent of those robo-calls you receive where a recorded voice tells you you've won a free trip to the Bahamas.....(and just give 'em your credit card number to conform your reservation......)

             Universal used the wrong logo to open this film. Instead of their spiffy modernized version, they should have opened "Pitch Perfect 3" with the same logo they used in front of the dirt cheap "Ma And Pa Kettle" and "Francis The Talking Mule" series.

             ..........because this barely written, barely directed collection of random sequences is a direct throwback to every cheapo, hastily assembled old-time sequel that ever rolled off the studio assembly lines.....a single-serving size of spam-in-a-can.

             We'll not further humiliate the actors by discussing this film in any detail......let the rating speak for itself.....Zero stars (0).  Suitable only for employees of the Universal accounting department.....who no doubt took pride in their work......

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