Monday, March 26, 2018


             Briefly, (cause talking about this at length induces nausea...)....some takeaways from the porn star's long awaited "60 Minutes" interview.......

             Baby Orange's Big Mistake: Messin' with Porn people.............they come from a tough-as-nails business and you don't find innocent, naive little snowflakes among them,  Not exactly virginal Miss Universe contestants fresh off the farm, who haven't figured out yet why Baby Orange wanders into their dressing room at key moments...... Baby Orange, who exists only in the alternate universe somewhere deep inside his head, couldn't think past his own erect penis.......and now he's met his match.

             Stormy's lawyer plays "Peek-A-Boo" better than Baby Orange.......Baby Orange, until lately, enjoyed his status as the undisputed, unchallenged master of the "I'll tell you at a later date.....I'll tell you in couple weeks.....well, we'll see what happens"  bullshit teasing.  In Michael Avenetti, Baby Orange has found himself out-teased and out-bullshitted by a master..........who knows if there's anything of value or interest on that mysterious vault-hidden DVD........that fact that it's driving Baby Orange insane (and strangely silent) tickles us to infinity. Pass the popcorn........

             Memo To Stormy and the two other thankful Baby Orange didn't ask any of you to wear a photo of Ivanka rubber-banded around your heads........or did he?

             A basic question bound to be ignored by red-capped Trumpanzees and Evangelicals....... comes down to this.......Why oh why did Baby Orange and his lawyer pay this woman $130,000 and ask her to sign a non-disclosure agreement??????  Non disclosure of what, exactly???

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