Sunday, March 18, 2018


Love (Season 3-Netflix) (2018)   We'll at least offer writer-director Judd Apatow a backhanded salute for squeezing so many episodes out of a show populated with repulsive characters constantly saying the most hurtful things to each other at all the wrong moments........

             It's designed to make you cringe, each episode the equivalent of 30 minutes of fingernails screeching across a blackboard......

             So we can't say we'll miss it much........and we could never imagine ever going back to re-watch even a minute of this show, any more than slamming our head repeatedly against the wall......

              So farewell to this misbegotten bunch of 30-something Los Angeles strivers, including the barely reformed booze-drug-sex addict Mickey (Gillian Jacobs) and her unctuous, sniveling, whiny boyfriend Gus(Paul Rust) , a useless teacher of child-actors and would-be filmmaker.

              While Jacobs supplied a deeply thought out, fully dimensional portrayal of a damaged, dysfunctional human, Rust settled for making his character a one note worm.  After a few episodes, you find yourself taking delicious pleasure in his many well-deserved humiliations and defeats.

               One character (and actor) we will miss (and as far as we're concerned, the show's one and only MVP, the ever bubbly Australian pixie Bertie, played to perfection by Claudia O'Doherty. She may have been the only character in this show we didn't have the urge to throw out the window of a tall building.

               We're torn as to what kind of final rating to give this show now that it's wrapped up.......on the basis of what it set out to do, we'd grudgingly call it a success.....(in compressing every embarrassing moment of your life that you regret into 30 minutes)

               As to whether any of it qualifies as entertainment.......depends on how it strikes you. Yes, we watched it all, but then we slow down to watch people getting traffic tickets too......2 & 1/2 stars (**1/2)

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