Sunday, March 25, 2018


            Eons and eons ago, we attended Overbrook High School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania......
            Sure, it was a rough tough school......and riding the Brontosaurus every morning to get there was no picnic either.......

             But one threat we never, ever conceived of while there....the insane threat that now hovers today's high school kids......

             .......the threat of some heavily armed evil lunatic shooting them dead in their school.

            ........and the threat of some heavily funded evil lunatics who don't want to impede in any way the heavily armed lunatics who hope to massacre innocent children.

                 To put this simply.......

                 Most Favorite Thing ....the March For Our Lives kids, who stood up for the right to live.....and thrive in their futures.

                 Least Favorite Things  Baby Orange, at first scolding folks for being scared of the NRA, then folding up like a lawn chair after meeting with the always, proving to the world he's an empty vessel, scampering off to play golf at his summer palace ......a man devoid of heart, soul, humanity or any convictions other than his feeding his own swollen ego.......

                 The NRA, sending out its spokes-monster, live action Malificent Dana Loesch, claiming that the hundreds of thousands of protesting kids are tools of adult manipulators. Hilarious, coming from a minion of a toxic organization that stuffs politicians' pockets with millions in cash......

                  Rick Santorum......who suggested students would be better off learning CPR than protesting gun slaughter in their schools........Sadly, no amount of CPR would do Santorum any earthly good......he's already brain dead.

                 Most Anticipated Future Moment   .....when bought-and-paid-for NRA puppets like Marco Rubio watch the kids who marched turn 18 years old and head for the polling places.....


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