Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Baby Orange congratulates the KGB Nerve doubt drooling with envy at the ease of the Kremlin Hitman's  "re-election".......Baby Orange realizes that this kind of "voting" is probably the only way he could ever win re-election.....

Baby Orange pumps out tweets filled with misspellings........cause he only knows the best words.....even if they've got the wrong letters in them, they're still bigly........

Baby Orange sues the porn star for violating the non-disclosure agreement that Baby Orange knows nothing about and has nothing to do related news, Disney Studios offer Baby Orange the Mad Hatter role in the next 'Alice In Wonderland' movie.......

Mrs. Baby Orange vows to continue her crusade against cyber-bullies........and once again hears the deafening sound of millions of people snickering under their breath.........

Baby Orange's Russian Puppeteer, Komrade KGB, celebrates an election victory......and loves reading Baby Orange's attacks on Baby Orange's own cabinet members, the media, Gold Star families, war heroes, war fact, everyone in the known civilized world.....except Komrade KGB......

Baby Orange can't spell "counsel".......but will eventually learn a brand new word he'll soon hear frequently........Traitor.

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