Monday, March 5, 2018


The 90th Academy Awards

            Last random musings...........

            Official end of the 'awards season', a gauntlet more punishing than a fraternity hazing.....

            Now we can all feel free to enjoy approximately 7 months of brainless popcorn movies until the next batch of serious awards contenders are served up to us, like creamed spinach, in the Fall. Until then, it's cinematic Big Macs and fries for all.......don't spare the ketchup and special sauce....

             We still don't understand the criteria in play when it comes to isolating and ostracizing the men who run afoul of the #metoo and #timesup movements........James Franco and Casey Affleck are deemed lepers, condemned to watch the show at home in their jammies..........while accused rapist Kobe Bryant and wife-assaulter Gary Oldman earn rounds of applause and Oscars.  Can anyone explain this rationally?

              Best visual gag of the entire night:  Dame Helen Mirren releasing her inner Vanna White and posing decoratively with a jet ski.

               Most well deserved award - best screenplay for "Get Out".......the only movie nominated that straddled the Grand Canyon-sized divide between populist movies and film festival, suitable-for-framing, critically gushed-over Oscar Bait.

              We sincerely hope "The Shape Of Water" will find an appreciative audience when it hits streaming and discs.........'cause to be blunt about matter how many awards get heaped on it, millions of multiplex ticket buyers take one look at that trailer and go "ewwwwwww.....she does what with a fish?"   (As a movie-loving kid, we never contemplated why the Creature From The Black Lagoon kept swimming underneath Julia Adams.....but aah, it's a different age now....)

               Speaking of trailers.......we could end up entirely wrong, but "A Wrinkle In Time" strikes us as prime "Mystery Science Theater 3000" it fairly sits up on its hind legs and begs for ridicule.....

                 If Jimmy Kimmel passes on hosting next year, Tiffany Haddish and Maya Rudolph should be given the job.....immediately.

                 All time favorite song performance........Gael Garcia Bernal painfully working his way through  the tune from "Coco".......and sounding like one of those first-round audition hopefuls from "American Idol"......where was Simon Cowell when we needed him?

                The Memorial death always, guaranteed to stir up anger, resentment and controversy over who got left out.  Memo to Academy: if you don't have one single employee who's bright enough to use Google and find out who in the film industry died last year, don't do the list at all......just put up a message: "So sorry for everyone who croaked...RIP..."

                A true snapshot of America.......Her Majesty, Queen Streep always in the front opposed to the poor working stiffs who win technical awards.....parked so far in the back of the theater, they practically need an Uber to drive them up to the's a wonder they don't have to bow to her first before stepping up to claim their statuettes......

                Rita Moreno wearing her 1962 Oscar we can't wait for Barbra Streisand to dress up next year in her 1968 see-through number, with an astounding IMAX view of her rear.....

                Easily the most riotously ugly stage design we've ever seen at an Academy Awards show.......looking like an attic filled with rejected props from the last 5 or 6 Tim Burton movies......

                Bonnie & Clyde given the right envelope at last........and which is enough for the Academy honchos to declare the show a raging success.....

                And America breathes a collective sigh of relief.......not having to listen to a group of expensively clothed multi-millionaires haranguing us to never give up our dreams.......

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