Friday, April 26, 2024



Trump falsely claims "thousands and thousands" of his supporters were turned away from showing support outside the courtroom of his hush money trial.....when in reality there were only less than a star Stormy Daniels mentioned that Trump used the same mathematical level of exaggeration when discussing the length and staying power of his penis.....

Marjorie Taylor Greene presses for Mike Johnson's ouster as Speaker Of The House after he succeeds getting a Ukraine-Israel aid package passed.....and MGT is now consulting a manual sent to her by Vladimir Putin....on how to arrange Johnson's falling out of skyscraper window so it looks like accident.....signing it, "Dear beloved Margy-Bear : try this technique out, it's worked for me so many times!"

Right Wing Supreme Court Justices stretch and warp their legal logic to help award Trump a least some of the total immunity he's asking for, or at least delay his insurrection trial .....prompting Trump to immediately send a portable hot tub for Clarence and Ginny Thomas's RV, as well as 200 cases of Budweiser to Bret Kavanaugh. Justice Alioto declined accepting Trump's 10,000 dollar Olive Garden gift card, but did state, "yes, we're strict Constitutionalists, but that doesn't mean we can't bend it a little for Donald....Who's gonna know?"

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