Thursday, April 18, 2024


 Listen For The Lie by Amy Tintera (2024)

      You might have picked up on the advance hype for this one and wondered if it's as good as everyone's raving about......

       Please allow me to let you know.

       It is. And I speak as a reader who's been led astray countless times by the gross hyperbole of authors' blurbs on the back of book covers.  (....muttering, "Did these people actually read the same book I did??"_)

         Nice to know this one's the real deal. 

         Lucy's come back to her home town of Plumpton Texas and that's no picnic considering she's the official town Pariah. 

          Everyone thinks she murdered her best friend Savvy way back when. Ever since they found her wandering about, suffering from memory loss and covered with Savvy's blood. Hmmmm.......

           She escaped charges due to lack of 'beyond-a-reasonable-doubt' evidence, but the town's found her guilty and even her parents, who still pledge their support, hold doubts as well. 

           But her grandmother lures her back to participate in Ben Owen's popular 'Listen For The Lie' true crime podcast.  Ben's in town to repeat the success of his first episode, where his candid, fearless interviewing of everyone involved in an unsolved case led to the killer's reveal. 

            And for his second season case, guess who he'd like to join him for some online chats to figure out if she really killed Savvy or not. 

           Strangely enough, Lucy's dying to know herself, but if it turns out it was someone else besides her, she might end up just plain dying.......

            When Lucy and Ben encounter the town's full roster of usual and unusual suspects, that includes Lucy's loathed ex-husband.with whom she shares a tortured, disturbing history. 

             But whenever she comes across old friends or people who think she got away with murder, Lucy's never afraid to let fly with her knife-sharp, laugh-out-loud observations, in both her narration and dialogue.         

           And that's what makes 'Listen For The Lie' (the book not the podcast) one of the best fun mystery reads so far this year.  I don't doubt for a minute that it'll pop up under lots of beach umbrellas this summer. 

             Oh, screw the beach.... here at BQ, I couldn't wait and preferred to dive into this one right away......but if your TBR list stretches forever, don't forget to throw 'Lies' in the bag along with the sunblock....

           Imagine the delight of discovering the author blurbs (including Stephen King's) were positively accurate. 5 stars (*****)

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