Tuesday, April 23, 2024


 Extinction by Douglas Preston (2024)

        Though I was simultaneously reading this book and three others, I found myself devoting way more time to racing through "Extinction" than the others competing for my full attention.

        I just couldn't wait to find out what in the horrific world was going on and what terrifying thing was going to happen next......so I felt I was in the middle of a guaranteed 5 star read.
And author Douglas Preston didn't disappoint in this variation of "Jurassic Park" with far more fear, horror, gore and science gone terribly awry.

          Up in the breathtaking Colorado Rockies, the Erebus resort offers its guests the astounding spectacular sights of Wooly Mammoths and other giant prehistoric creatures whose names I wouldn't dare try to type without spellcheck.

          Created by a mega-billionaire, the resort's scientists have 'de-extincted' the massive animals by mixing up assorted cocktails of DNA. (Although the Erebus science crew openly mocks and derides the fiction of "Jurassic Park", it does sound like pretty much the same thing......and what could possibly go wrong with mixing and matching DNA.....heh, heh, heh.....)

           But amid the jaw-dropping creatures and picture postcard scenery, something's going very, very wrong.......starting with the abduction and probable evisceration of newlywed campers, one of whom was the son of yet another powerful biillionaire..

           Colorado Bureau Of Investigation agent Frances Cash and county sheriff James Colcord join forces to hunt the killers. And it starts to look like they're up against either a deranged religious cult or determined eco-terrorists who prefer committing blood drenched atrocities rather than tree hugging.

          But they can't possibly know how much worse and fantastic their assumptions are. Way, way worse. This all leads to a catastrophic finish that combines all the tropes of every disaster movie you've ever seen with every gut-shredding horror movie you've ever cringed through.
And that explains why I slowed down reading my other three books so I could keep diving into this one.

        As you can tell, I had a great time with this book and for thriller fans (especially of the science-based page turners), mark this one down as a number one beach read......or, for that matter, as soon as you get your hands on the book.  5 stars (*****)  Strap in a prehistoric thrill ride.

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