Friday, April 5, 2024



GOP Trumpanzees want to change the name of Dulles airport in Washington......electronic signs announcing arrivals and departures will no longer list actual times...instead, messages will read "well, we'll see what happens"....or "people are saying this plane's coming in soon...."

RFK JR. denies reports that he heard his late father and late uncle JFK spinning in their graves at the thought of him running for President......."On the contrary", he claimed, "we brought in  a medium for a seance and she told me they're so very happy...."  Later, the medium revealed that Kennedy took no notice of the last two words of that message from beyond......"....we're dead...

Trump's 'Truth Social' crashes at the stock a last ditch effort to attract new investors, Trump offers special 'honorary' shares of Truth Social stock that includes a MAGA bible, Trump sneakers and an official Trump Beach Umbrella that reads: "girls, line up here for a grabbed pussy..."

New York judge forced to issue yet another additional gag order to prevent Trump from publicy attacking the judge's daughter....and further warns Trump to stop ringing his daughter's doorbell and running away and hanging toilet paper on her roof....

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