Friday, February 9, 2024



Appeals court trashes Trump's ridiculous cliam he has immunity from all crimes......On New York City's 5th Avenue, pedestrians hold an impromptu "Survivors Carnival", since they no longer live with the fear Trump will shoot them in broad daylight on 5th Avenue and get away with it.......

'Useful Idiot' Tucker Carlson interviews his and Trump's favorite war criminal dictator Putin.....prompting Putin offering Tucker an all-expenses paid 2 weeks in the Moscow penthouse suite normally reserved for Trump when he defects....including unlimited golden showers.....

On direct orders from Trump, speaker of the house Johnson and GOP Maga Trumpanzees kill the border security legislation they've been clamoring about for years.....but in an unprecedented burst of courage, Johnson said he drew the line when Trump demanded he and all Republicans drink poisoned kool-aid as a gesture of support if he's indicted on any of the 91 felony charges. ("I convinced him to switch it with ex-lax so at leasst we'll feel terribly uncomfortable..."

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