Monday, February 12, 2024


The Super Bowl (2024)   BQ knows as much about football as Donald Trump does about every topic that ever pops into his unhinged, deranged that we mean little to nothing. 

             But that shouldn't stop anyone from weighing in on this year game.......since it had little or nothing to do with football.....

              A battle was waged alright, but not on the field.  Trump and his brain-dead army of Maga Morons declared war on, of all people, pop star Taylor Swift.....whose popularity, success and vast wealth and influence far exceeds Trump's. 

          And by this time, it's fairly clear she's no fan of the demented wanna-be dictator. 

             No wonder she terrifies Baby Orange and his minions.....who see her as a deep state commando with a mission to thwart Trump's election to, if he has his way, Emperor For Life.  Even worse, her boyfriend advocates COVID immunization, which would deprive them of their God given right to die gasping for breath in an ICU.

            Swift's ongoing, very public romance with Kansas City Chief star player Travis Kelce turned the Super Bowl into ground zero for American's corrosive cultural and political divisions.  She evidently held little regard for Trump's loony-toon demand for loyalty.....(because he signed a bill giving recording artists more access to the royalties due to them.....

            The game itself, a nail biting overtime squeaker, resulted in a last minute triumph for Kelce and his teammates......which therefore made it a triumph for Swift, smooching her boyfriend for all the world (and enraged Trumpanzees) to see. 

             Such is life in the U.S.A. during 2024, possibly the scariest year in American history.......


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