Friday, February 23, 2024



Trump relates Navalny's murder to his legal woes, unable to bring himself to say anything bad about Putin....."My good compadre Vladdy wouldn't hurt a fly, I love how he's making Russia great body at a time...."

The GOP, once the scourge and enemy of Russian dictators, continues to stall on aid to Ukraine......prompting Vladimir Putin to send 50 cases of vodka and caviar to Speaker Of The House Mike Johnson, with a card reading, "Drink up, my beloved useful idiots, I love you so much...."

Trump tries selling wildly overpriced Trump sneakers in his latest desparate attempt to fleece his supporters to pay his mounting fines, debts and legal fees.....the ex-President's first big sneaker sale lifts his spirits......a hundred pairs purchased by Ringling Brothers circus for their clowns........

New York Attorney General Leticia James announces she'll seize Trump's buildings if he can't pay the fines levied against him...causing Trump to immediately erect a barricade around Trump Tower.....made up entirely of empty KFC chicken buckets.........

Trump's golden sneakers mocked without mercy on social media....Trump expresses outrage that North Korea's Kim Jung Un revoked his initial order of1000 pairs ("They make me look fat...") as well as the Ku Klux Klan, China's President Xi and Pillow Guy Mike Lindell ("same reason"....)

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