Friday, February 16, 2024



Trump threatens to invite Putin to invade NATO countries ......and immediately receives a text message reading....'THANKS A BUNCH! LOVE U SO MUCH. YOU'RE THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME.....YOUR FOEVER BFF....VLADDY..'

Putin's political foe Alexi Navaldy dies in Russian prison at age 47......explained Putin, "Nothing we could do for him , really.....he slipped on a bar of soap....and then an electric fan fell on him while the shower was still running.....and then a Siberian wolf burst into the prison and bit him...."   Commented Trump, "Well, if that's what Vlad says happened, I'm inclined to believe him. He's never lied to me...."

Supreme Court carefully considering Trump's claim of total immunity for all crimes he commits.....Clarence Thomas denies that Trump's invitation to spend his and wife Ginny's summer vacation at Mar-A-Lago will influence his decision....Bret Kavanaugh claims to have no knowledge of who left 50 kegs on Budweiser on the Supreme Court steps.......

Speaker Of The House Mike Johnson and MAGA-moron GOP finally manage to impeach Homeland Security chief Mayorkas, while ignoring the Border crisis and aid to Gaza and the Ukraine.......Johnson proudly comments, "And who says we can't get anything done!  Just wait'll you see what we have in store for windmills, Disney and that green M & M!!:

Shooters open fire at Kansas City Chiefs victory rally and parade.....GOP politicians send out  Xerox copies of their standard 'Thoughts And Prayers" message to victims and their families, with a P.S. warning...."Next time, remember to duck, dummy"   Donald Trump sends Mar-A-Lago embossed lollipops to the child gunshot victims....("That should help those kids get over it quickly, right?"_

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