Tuesday, February 27, 2024


  Leave No Trace; A National Parks Thriller by A.J. Landau, Jeff Ayers and Jon Land (2024)

        Calling all armchair thrill seekers. This one's as good as it gets.

        Talk about monumental villainy......literally. How about toppling the Statue of Liberty by blowing the immortal Lady right off her perch, killing hundreds of innocent tourists.

         And the vile odious perpetrators are just getting started - with similar catastrophes planned for National P:arks all over the country, followed by an apocalyptic attack designed to kick off a civil war. A ;mad, mad General and an equally unhinged loon have managed to unite the various factions of right=wing militia groups into one massive army......and their convention of crazies stands assembled and ready.

         But these so called 'patriots' didn't count on the unstoppable Good Guys on our side....National Parks Special Agent Michael Walker and FBI Special Agent Gina Delgado.

        Resourceful and fearless in the face of the formidable enemies arrayed against them, this powerhouse duo separately brave and endure one spectacular, harrowing assault after the other. I don't want to spoil anybody's fun by over-detailing the lethal dangers put in their path, so let's just put it this way - you won't be able to turn the pages fast enough. And fair warning.....it's the kind of book if you start in the evening, you may find yourself greeting the dawn while racing through the final chapters.

        Believable? I'll admit the feats accomplished by Michael and Gina are dialed up to "Die Hard" cinematic levels, but the ripped-from-the-headlines villains and their warped ideologies sound all too real, current and terrifying.

        As much as I enjoyed 'Leave No Trace' as a breathless, mile-a-minute throwback to those 1980's and 90's action adventure films, I can only hope it's not a prescient preview of coming attractions. But since it's the first in a series I'll assume Agents Walker and Delgado will stay on duty to bring well deserved doom to those homegrown enemies of America. And that their feats remain fictitious only......5 stars (*****)  Try this one for your latest sit down adrenalin rush...

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