Friday, December 29, 2023


Candidate for President Nikki Haley can't bring herself to mention "slavery" when asked what caused the Civil War..... stated Haley, "So many things might have touched it off.....I think primarily it rubbed people the wrong way that southern belles were always the winners of beauty pageants....."

Candidate Nikki Haley promises when elected, she'll pardon Trump if he's convicted.....explained Haley, "Donald personally promised me he's going to be a very good boy from now on and never ever do bad nasty things ever again, like trying to overthrow democracy.  And also said that among brown colored babes, I was at least a 7."

Donald Trump, in the spirit of Christmas, unleashes a rant wishing 'rot in hell!' to everyone who dares to hold him accountable for his many crimes.....from Hell, Satan tweeted, "I don't know about everyone he named in that post, but we've got a customized apartment waiting for this guy as soon as he swallows one KFC drumstick too many......he'll appreciate it,....only one TV, tuned to MSNBC around the clock.....and cannot be turned off. See you soon, Tubby!"

Happy New Year to all BQ visitors, friends and family!  Back with you Tuesday, Jan. 2nd......

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